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El perfil personal de Asahi-kun

Última fecha puesta al día: 2018/11/12


Name: Asahi-kun
Date of birth: October 26, 2008Note
Special abilities: Flying around and bringing smiles to the residents of Asahi Ward
Personality: Como el Sol-Luminoso y poderoso
Favorite thing: Cotton candy

Between May and August 2008, Asahi Ward asked the public to help design and name a mascot to commemorate the 40th anniversary of Asahi Ward.
A competition was launched through the ward office, community centers and over the internet. After initial screenings followed by a popular vote, the competition was won by Ms. Moemi Yamamuro.
Kun del Asahi-nuestro-la mascota-es una suma viva a Pupilo de Asahi. ¿Mandamos lo a todo el amor, no quieras nosotros?

Note: El 26 de octubre de 2008, Asahi-kun nació y presentó al público a la Ceremonia de la Apertura de la Fiesta de Amistad (Asahi Fureai Kumin Matsuri) de los Residentes de Asahi.

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