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Última fecha puesta al día: 2018/12/17

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Minami Honmoku Pier is a state of the art pier capable of accommodating the increasing volume of container cargo and growing size of container vessels as the new logistics hub of the Port of Yokohama.
Construction of the deep-water/high standard berths has been under way since 1990 and in April 2001, as the completion of the first phase of the development, the MC-1 and MC-2 berths began operation.
These two berths are equipped with advanced facilities, the nation's largest-scale container terminals with an area of 35ha, five mega gantry cranes with outreach 22 rows, and Japan's first berths with a depth of 16m which will increase the Port of Yokohama's competitive position in the world market as well as to strengthen its functions as an international hub port.
Systems aiming for further efficiency in transportation have been introduced, such as the provision of lanes for vehicles on standby and a reservation system for carrying container cargo in/out of the gate.
In addition to being a core port facility, Minami-Honmoku Pier also serves as a long-term, stable disposal site for soil generated by municipal projects and waste.
In the future, we will finish the terminal with necessary facilities according to the new logistics needs, and continue with the reclamation of MC-3 and MC-4 container terminals and related facilities.
In 2009, cargo handling volume was 12,651,393 tons.

6 minutes from Sugita Junction on Coastline Highway


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>> Haz clic aquí para el mapa de la guía. (PDF: 88KB)


Yokohama Port Development Public Corporation Facilities

Yokohama Port Development Public Corporation Facilities
Gantry CranesCFS
Handling Method
MC-135016105,000265.0-175,000312Transfer Crane
MC-235016105,000365.08,130229,000852Transfer Crane

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Botones ID: 519-727-865